Active Member
Active Member
The tabs below contain the forms and other documents used most often by active and vested members. If you cannot find what you are looking for, use the topic menu or search by keyword.
Authorization for Release of Information
Form #615
Use this form to authorize the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS) to provide information and/or records to someone other than the NYCERS member, retiree or beneficiary.
Loan Application – Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan
Form #302
Application for eligible Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan members who wish to apply for a NYCERS pension loan.
Change of Address
Form #290
Submit this form if you wish to change the address that NYCERS has on file for you.
Application to Purchase Credit for Service Rendered Prior to Membership Date in NYCERS (Buyback)
Form #241
Use this application to purchase (buyback) previous full-time or part-time public service rendered within New York State prior to your NYCERS membership. Note: Tier 1 members may only buy back public service rendered in a NYCERS-eligible title.
Application for Service Retirement – Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 6
Form #521
Application for members who wish to apply for Service Retirement.
Authorization for Direct Deposit (EFT) of Monthly Retirement Allowance
Form #380
Direct Deposit is easy, convenient, and secure. No more waiting for the check to arrive; no more trips to the bank in bad weather!
Application for Refund of Member’s Accumulated Salary Deductions
Form #331
For members who wish to receive a refund of their accumulated salary deductions. Note that by withdrawing your accumulated salary deductions, your membership and all associated rights, benefits, and privileges will end.
Designation of Beneficiary – Post-Retirement Lump-Sum Death Benefit – Tier 2, Tier 4, and Tier 6
Designation of Beneficiary applications are no longer available for download on
To make changes to your beneficiaries or their designated guardians, log in to your MyNYCERS account and look for “Manage Beneficiaries” in the menu.
Don’t have a MyNYCERS account? Register for immediate access.
Need help? For assistance accessing your MyNYCERS account, contact NYCERS at 347-643-3000.
To request a paper application, contact NYCERS’ Call Center or visit us at the Walk-in Center.
Application for Membership for NYCERS-Eligible Employees – Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 6
Form #103
For City employees who wish to apply for NYCERS membership. You may also nominate a beneficiary for a death benefit payable if you die while in City service.
Membership / Tier Reinstatement
Form #181
For NYCERS members who wish to apply for reinstatement of a former membership with NYCERS or any other New York City or New York State public retirement system. If you are eligible, reinstatement could change your Tier and membership date, and may affect your contribution rate and retirement benefits.
Application for Membership – Tier 1 and 2
Form #101
For Tier 1 and Tier 2 members who wish to apply for NYCERS membership. You may also nominate a beneficiary for a death benefit payable if you die while in City service.
Application for Change in Loan Repayment Schedule – Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 6
Form #309
For Tier 3, Tier 4 and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan members who wish to change their loan repayment schedule.
Request for Information
Form #852
If the information you are looking for is not available online or over the phone, please use this form to submit your request in writing.
Name Change Application
Form #291
For members, retirees, and beneficiaries who have changed their first or last name. You must attach proof of a legal name change, such as a copy of a Marriage Certificate or Judgment of Divorce.
Application to Purchase Credit for Military Service
Form #244
Military service must have been satisfactorily completed and a discharge under honorable circumstances must have been granted. A DD214 form is the most common proof of satisfactory military service.
Loans – Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan Members
Brochure #911
Information about loan eligibility, borrowing capacity, and filing and processing a loan application for members in Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plans.
Retirement Options – Tier 4 and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan
Brochure #926
This brochure describes the retirement options for Tier 4 and Tier 6 Basic and Special Plan members. By selecting an option, you accept a reduced lifetime retirement allowance in exchange for the payment of a benefit to your designated beneficiary upon your death. If you do not select an option, you will be awarded the Maximum Retirement Allowance. Be sure you understand each option before you submit your retirement forms.
Buy-Back – Purchasing Credit for Service Rendered Prior to NYCERS Membership
Brochure #901
The benefits and the process for purchasing previous public service (buy-back).
Calculating Your Final Average Salary (FAS) – Tier 4
Brochure #929
How NYCERS determines a Tier 4 member’s Final Average Salary (FAS).
Leaving Active City Service – Tiers 3, 4, 6 and 22-Year Plans
Brochure #909
Learn about the rights and options available to you after leaving City service. Many options are time-sensitive; we encourage you to read this brochure prior to leaving City service.
57/5 Retirement Plan for Tier 4 Members
Brochure #945
Participants in the 57/5 Retirement Plan who have five or more years of Credited Service, at least two years of which are Membership Service, are eligible to receive a Service Retirement Benefit at age 57.
Vesting – Tier 3 and Tier 4
Brochure #904
Vesting is your right to receive a retirement benefit in the future if you have met the requirements of your plan even if you leave City service before you are eligible to retire.
Military Buy-Back
Brochure #902
Eligibility, benefits and application process to purchase service credit for time spent on active duty in the U.S. military.
62/5 Retirement Plan for Tier 4 Members
Brochure #946
The 62/5 Retirement Plan, also referred to as the Basic Tier 4 Plan, allows participants to retire with a full pension at age 62 with at least five years of Credited Service, or with a reduced pension between the ages of 55 and 61.
How to Join NYCERS
Fact Sheet #754
This Fact Sheet will show you how to join NYCERS online using your smartphone, laptop or tablet.
NYCERS Mobile App
Fact Sheet #750
NYCERS mobile app is now available for download from Google Play or the App Store. Check out all of the new online features.
Membership Reinstatement
Brochure #905
Former members of a public retirement system in New York State who left public employment and later returned to public service may be able to restore their original membership date and tier status.
How to Qualify for the COVID-19 Accidental Death Benefit
Fact Sheet #748
This fact sheet describes the eligibility, filing, and documentation requirements which must be met in order to qualify for the COVID-19 Related Accidental Death Benefit.
55/25 Retirement Plan for Tier 4 Members
Brochure #944
Participants in the 55/25 Retirement Plan who have 25 or more years of Credited Service, at least two of which are Membership Service, are eligible to receive a Service Retirement Benefit at age 55.
How to Complete Form #204 – Power of Attorney
Fact Sheet #745
How to complete Form #204 – Power of Attorney
63/5 Retirement Plan for Tier 6 Members (Tier 6 Basic Plan)
Brochure #993
The 63/5 Retirement Plan for Tier 6 members (Tier 6 Basic Plan), allows participants to retire with an unreduced pension at age 63 with at least five years of Credited Service, or with a reduced pension earlier than age 63 but no earlier than age 55.
MyNYCERS Features
Fact Sheet #744
All the new MyNYCERS features at a glance, for members, retirees, and beneficiaries.
How to Register for MyNYCERS
If you are already a NYCERS Member, register your MyNYCERS account for instant access to your account details, updates on pending transactions, beneficiary management, loan requests, payments, retirement filing, and more!
NYCERS Membership at a Glance
Brochure #968
Besides the obvious benefit of collecting a pension when you retire, your NYCERS membership provides disability protection, survivor benefits, the ability to borrow against your contributions, and more.
How to Find Your Member or Pension Number
Fact Sheet #738
Having trouble locating your Member or Pension Number? This Fact Sheet will show you where to look.
Tier 6 Basic Plan
Fact Sheet #718
An overview of the 63/5 Retirement Plan for Tier 6 members.
Tier 3 22-Year Plan Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet #720
The benefits and obligations of the 22-Year Retirement Plan.
Special Tax Notice Regarding Plan Payments
Fact Sheet #717
Tax consequences and rollover options when receiving a lump-sum payment from NYCERS.
Processing Death Benefits
Fact Sheet #702
An overview of NYCERS’ policies and procedures for processing a death benefit claim.
Sanitation Tier 3 22-Year Plan Enhanced Disability Benefit
Fact Sheet #728
The benefits and obligations of the Enhanced Disability Benefit program (EDB)(SA22E Plan), available to participants in the Uniformed Sanitation Force 22-Year Plan (SA-22 Plan).
Tier 6 Special Plans
Fact Sheet #719
An overview of the Tier 6 Special plans for Emergency Medical Technicians, Dispatchers, Deputy Sheriffs, Special Peace Officers, Automotive Workers, Police Communications Technicians, as well as employees of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority, and Transit Authority.
The Road to Your NYCERS Retirement
Fact Sheet #716
Retiring from your City job is an important step and the beginning of an exciting time in your life! On a practical note, it’s a process that will take at least a few months to complete and can go more smoothly if you fully understand what to do and what to expect. Here at a glance are your 6 Stops on the Road to Retirement.
5@55 Legal Checklist
Fact Sheet #726
A key part of retirement planning is to make sure you are prepared for the health and legal needs you may face. Here is a handy checklist to help you complete five key documents you need by age 55, but no later than retirement.
Birthdate Evidence Alternatives
Fact Sheet #709
A list of alternative documentation that NYCERS will accept as evidence of birthdate if you cannot provide a legible, English-language birth certificate. Depending on the document(s) you provide, you may also be required to submit NYCERS’ Birth Evidence Affidavit #205.
All Tiers – Maximum Compensation Limit under IRC 401(a)(17)
Fact Sheet #727
This fact sheet provides the Maximum Compensation Limit under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 401(a)(17) for 2024 and prior retirements, as applicable.
WTC Disability Law
Fact Sheet #703
Questions and answers about the World Trade Center Disability Law.
A Notice of Participation in WTC Rescue, Recovery, or Clean-Up Operations (NYCERS Form #622) must be filed no later than September 11, 2026.
Participating Employers
Fact Sheet #724
A list of Participating Employers whose employees are eligible for membership in NYCERS.
Other Available Options for Lump-Sum Payment
Fact Sheet #708
This fact sheet includes instructions for transferring funds from a Deferred Compensation Plan or Individual Retirement Account (if allowed by your plan administrator) to pay for your previous service or membership reinstatement.
Correction Tier 3 22-Year Plan Enhanced Disability Benefit
Fact Sheet #731
The benefits and obligations of the Enhanced Disability Benefit program (EDB)(CF22E Plan) available to participants in the Uniformed Correction Force 22-Year Plan (CF-22 Plan).
Physically Taxing Titles
Fact Sheet #712
Information for Chapter 96 members employed in a physically taxing title. Use this fact sheet together with the brochure describing your Chapter 96 Plan for a complete understanding of your benefits and obligations. This fact sheet includes the Official List of Physically Taxing Positions.