Special Plan Opt Out

Form 190

Opt Out Election Form – Police Communications Titles – 25-Year Retirement Plan - Tier 4 and Tier 6
Form #190

For Tier 4 and Tier 6 members employed in Police Communications titles who wish to opt out of the 25-Year Retirement Plan for 911 Communications Operators. In order to opt out of the 25-Year Plan for Police Communications titles, you must meet all the requirements outlined in the form. Note that this opt-out election is IRREVOCABLE.

Form 177

Opt Out Election Form – Dispatcher Members – 25-Year Retirement Plan - Tier 4 and Tier 6
Form #177

For Tier 4 and Tier 6 Dispatcher Members who wish to opt out of the 25-Year Retirement Plan for Dispatcher Members. In order to opt out of this plan, you must meet all of the requirements outlined on the form, complete this form and return it to NYCERS within 180 days of becoming a Dispatcher Member. Note that this opt-out election is IRREVOCABLE.