25-Year/Age 50 Plan Election Form – Automotive Service Titles – Tiers 2 and 4
Form #183


For Tier 2 and Tier 4 members employed in Automotive Service titles who wish to elect the 25-Year/Age 50 Retirement Plan for Tier 2 or Tier 4 Automotive Service titles. 

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Automotive Service Worker 25-Year and Age 50 Retirement Plan (50/25) for Tier 2 Members
Brochure #914

The Automotive Service Worker 25-Year and Age 50 Retirement Program (AUT-I) is available only to members employed by the City of New York as auto body workers, auto electricians, auto machinists, auto mechanics, auto mechanics (diesel), automotive service workers, senior automotive service workers, machinists, machinist helpers, marine maintenance mechanics, oil burner specialists, stationary engineers, senior stationary engineers, or supervisor of mechanics (mechanical equipment).